Friday, March 16, 2012

The Clands Legacy Gn 3 Ch 7

Welcome to Generation 3 Chapter 7 of the Clands Legacy

BreAnne- Amit, I'm so upset! I don't have neither of my parents anymore! They're both gone! I'm not used to all this stuff. I'm finding myself becoming depressed! Nothing it seems could cheer me up.
Amit- Nothing? Hmmmm...
BreAnne- What are you planning Amit, I'm not in the mood for guessing.
Amit- Sorry about that. Don't worry, you're not the only one. I lost both my parents when I was young. Be glad for the times you did have with them, cause you had them a lot longer than I did.
BreAnne- You've never mentioned your parents before. How old were you when they died?

Amit- Twelve, then the social workers came and sent me to live with the McCray family. I aged up right as I moved here.
BreAnne- You know, this might be the first time you've ever told me about your past.
Amit- Really? Sorry about that. I understand if you want to know more...
BreAnne- No, it's fine. If you don't feel like talking about it, then I'll stop asking. It's your choice whether or not you want to tell me.
Amit- Thanks Bre, you're the best.
BreAnne- Of course I am, mostly because I'm married to you though. 

*Silence for a second or two*

Amit- So BreAnne, since your so sad about Crect dying, I was wondering if you'd like to... you know... what I'm try to say is... ahhhh... I want to cheer you up and, ahhhh...
BreAnne- Are you trying to ask me if I want to who hoo, cause if that what you want to make a move, go for it. I lied when I said nothing could cheer me up. There is only two things that can make my day better. One, my kids, and two, you.
Amit- Oh good! I was afraid you'd say no, with Crect's death and all...
BreAnne- Shut up Amit, you're a sweet heart and all, but you need to get a little bit more fierce.
Amit- Is it fierce you want now. I thought you just wanted me to make you happy.
BreAnne- That too ;)

And so we leave the couple to do their thing.

Volina- Two whole things of ice cream, Eneco, you are a hog!
Eneco- Is that the best comeback you can come up with? Cause it didn't really hurt my feelings much.
Volina- Fine then, you (Insert some creative saying about fat, lazy, smelly and self-centered people that I can't come up with)
Minnie- Volina's got style! Maybe I should get lessons from her.
Eneco- She can't see you Minnie, only I can...
Volina- Who are you talking to?
Eneco- My IF
Volina- You have one?!?! Are you really that immature? 
Eneco- I am not immature, and neither is Minnie!
Volina- Opps, sorry about that Minnie! I meant that Eneco was the immature one. 
Minnie- Thanks Volina! You're awesome!
Eneco- Don't tell the enemy that they're awesome Minnie!

The outfit you see BreAnne in is her evil career outfit. I love it so much!

BreAnne- Come on Ziv, say mommy.
Ziv- *Mutters* Mommy
BreAnne- Why are you so quiet right now?
Ziv- Floor break anytime maybe. Me scared!
BreAnne- You'll be fine Ziv! The narrator loves us to much to let that happen! Right Narrator?
Yes I do, you are my pride and joy, even if you are a pain in the butt.
BreAnne- See Ziv? She cares about us!
Ziv- Me still scared!

You made an ice toilet?
Amit- Ya, so what?
An ice toilet? Really! Couldn't you of made a chair or something?
Amit- Ice Chairs are not selling that great currently. Ice toilets however...
Never mind, I don't know why anyone would ever want to have an ice toilet though.

Tiffany- Stand still Myra, I'm going to try and get it in your mouth. *This will teach her a lesson!*
Myra- Okay old gnome!
Tiffany- I AM NOT OLD!!!!
Big Hammer- Yes you are Tiff. The flowers are sure pretty today, don't you agree John?
John- Please Myra! Don't let Tiffany do it! You have so much to live for!
Big Hammer- Okay then...

By the way, there is the new family garden. All it has so far is the cow plant. Thank you LJFoxie for the cow plant, I love it! After I get one of the family members to find seeds and plant them, I'll have them in the garden as well.

BreAnne loves her new "Pet", she keeps trying to play with it and feed it
BreAnne- Hello Bessie, I have lunch for you!
CowPlant- Fish, I love Fish
BreAnne- Here you go... just don't bit my head off okay.

Eneco- Everyone shall worship me and give me all their cookies!
Not working Eneco
Eneco- Someone has to listen, otherwise me yelling in this costume is pointless.
It is! How about you just give up the gig? No one is going to do what you say.
Eneco- No! I will not stop until someone listens to me and does what I say!
 Good luck with that.

Amit- Our hero was doomed. He was cornered by the cursed mummy, and there seemed to be no way out of it. Just then, someone came swinging in from behind the mummy, knocking the mummy off his feet and into the fire. It was our hero's beautiful, romantic and brave lover.
Maxie- Daddy, did you love Zinga?
Maxie- Did you?
Amit- Yes, but Not in the way I love Bre. It was more of a friendship thing. I loved her because I felt she was my responsibly. I'd caused her a lot of pain by making her pregnant with you. I felt that I had to take care of her, and you. You better get some sleep now Maxie, you have a long day tomorrow.

Maxie- Okay daddy, I have one more question though. Would you ever go back and make sure you never had me?
Amit- Why would I ever do that? I love you and I'd never get rid of you. There is one event however I'd like to change.
Maxie- What event?
Amit- *Tears forming* Zinga's death, I wish I could of stopped her from getting into that pool, but I didn't. She drowned while no one was watching. Before I knew it, I heard screaming from outside but ignored it. Then I heard Crect yelling for everyone to come outside, and I learned that she was gone.
Maxie- She drowned? I was wondering why she looked different from the other ghosts, all wet and stuff. She seems happy though.
Amit- She's happy because you've turned out so well. I'm proud of you Maxie, remember that.

Volina- Hey Tenisha, have you seen that new boy in school?
Tenisha- The boy with blond hair, brown eyes and hair tip. He also wears a lot of brown and/or green? Yes, I've seen him.
Volina- Don't tell anyone, but I have a crush on him.
Tenisha- Really! Do you want to go visit him when you come to my house?
Volina- You know where he lives?
Tenisha- Yes! He moved in along with his parents, and his sister into Tress Doddlson's house. She's giving the place to them after she dies.
Volina- Can we go there right away!
Tenisha- Calm down lover girl, you'll see him soon enough.

After getting off the bus at Tenisha's house, Volina convinced her to take her to see the new boy. Meet Isidro Lookrem, the adopted son of...

Jasmine Lookrem and...

Josia Lookrem (I don't know why he has a girly name. It doesn't fit his personality). Isidro also has a sister...

Meet the daughter of Josia and Jasmine, Mandie Lookrem. I have someone special for this gal...

Do you think Eneco and Mandie will get along?

I think so.
Mandie- Someone do my homework for me!
Tenisha- I would except I'm doing my own homework, sorry your highest.
Mandie- No one understands my superior standards!
Well, someone does...

You just haven't met him yet ;)

Isidro- Wow Volina, you're really strong!
Volina- Thanks, I need to show my younger siblings that I'm the head of the kids you know.
Isidro- Actually, no I don't. Mandie is the head sibling, even though I'm older. I have to do what she says most of the time.
Volina- Do you like doing what she says?
Isidro- No...
Volina- Then do what you want. She doesn't have to force you to do anything, and if she's still trying to make you do something you don't want, I'll teach her a lesson!
Isidro- You'd do that for me? Really? Thank you so much!
Volina- Anything for you Isidro ;)

Why are you here Eneco!
Eneco- Mom told me to get out of the house and play with some of my cousins, but Aunt Lauren said everyone was here, so I came over and... who is that!

That's Mandie Lookrem. Are you okay Eneco you look like your in another dimension or something.
Eneco- Mandie... the most beautiful girl I've ever seen...
Eneco? Reality here please!Snap out of it!
Eneco- Mandie....
Why don't you go talk to her?
Eneco- WHAT?!?! Are you insane? She would never want to talk to me!

I think you stand corrected Eneco.
Mandie- Hi, my name is Mandie. What's your's?
Eneco- I'm Eneco Clands.
Mandie- Is that blue girl who's talking with Isidro your sister?
Eneco- Sadly yes.

Mandie- Between you and me, I think she has a crush on my brother.
Eneco- No way! She's so not worth his time!
Mandie- I know!
Is it just me, or is Eneco kind of a girly gossip type?

Isidro- You want to know something Volina?
Volina- What is it?
Isidro- *Blushes* I think your amazing.
Volina- *Blushes* Thanks, I think your amazing as well.
Isidro- Thanks, * Hugs Volina unexpectedly*
Volina- What was that about?
Isidro- I don't know, I just like having you close for some reason.
Jasmine- Hello! Starving mom here! Can I get to the fridge?
Be quiet Jasmine! This is young love going on! Do you really want to ruin it?

How did you get all the way out here!
Ziv- Me no know! Me scared! Me miss crazy sissi!
Is it Maxie you're missing or Volina?
Ziv- Me miss Keiko! *Crying*
You're telling me you miss your twin?

Keiko- This fun! Wait... where Ziv? Where bruther?
He is currently outside wondering how he got out there.
Keiko- Ziv not here? Ziv me twin! He have tu be here!
I'll see if i can get Amit for BreAnne to get him back upstairs for you.
Keiko- Yay!

Amit- Daddy's going to tickle you!
Ziv- Daddy stup it! Tickle make laugh! Me laugh too much bad!
Amit- Laughing a lot is good Ziv, it's healthy for you.
Ziv- Laugh good? It no bad? Why Volina say it bad then?
Amit- Cause Volina is evil, you can't trust everything she says.

BreAnne- I'm pregnant again! I can't wait to tell Amit the news!
He's in the other building if you want to tell him right away.
BreAnne- He is? Wasn't he just in this room a minute ago?
He was, but then he went to go play chess I guess.

Amit- You seem excited for some reason Bre, what is it?
BreAnne- You really want to know?
Amit- Yes! I'm your husband! I want to know these things!
BreAnne- I'm pregnant again!
Amit- AGAIN!!!!
I think he's in shock, he'll snap out of it soon enough.

Amit- Well then, I guess we should celebrate. How about a little kiss?
BreAnne- A little kiss Amit? What's wrong with you?

Oh wow! When you said little kiss Amit, I didn't actually expect you to just do a little...

... now this is what I was taking about! A little kiss isn't so little for these two. When Amit and BreAnne are in the mood...

... oh ya, they're really in the mood today! That's so a little kiss Amit!
Amit- It was small, then I just couldn't stop myself.
BreAnne- And I'm glad you didn't, now narrator, can you please leave us alone!
Opps, my bad!

Someone else has taken a liking to the Cow Plant
Eneco- Here you go Cow thing, I have something for you!
Cow Plant- What is this thing the boy is holding! It's hardly bit size! Not only that, but the boy is practically naked! I refuse! I don't even want to try and eat the boy!
Although I'd be very happy if you did, no you can not eat Eneco.

Eneco- And the Cow Plant too a huge bite into the sims head!
Cow Plant- This boy is annoying me! I don't just bite off random sims heads! They have to be tasty looking for me to lure them in!
He's just trying to scare his sisters and his IF, don't take it so personal.

Maxie- The cow plant did what to him! It must of been very hungry, but I though cow plants lured their victims in first, but only if they find the sim to look delicious?
Eneco- Uhhh ya, whatever you say Max!
Maxie- Max? My name isn't Max!

Volina- You're correct Maxie, the cow plant actually isn't that violent, it only eats whoever it finds a threat or like you said, delicious.
Eneco- Will you two please stop mocking me! Minnie! Please agree with me!

Minnie- I wonder what the inside of a cow plant looks like...
Eneco- Huh? What does that have to do with me being right? 
Volina- Face it Eneco, you scary story wasn't so scary
Eneco- It was scary! You just don't get scared too easily!
Maxie- Ha! I beg to differ!

Amit- Ziv! Why are you so afraid to try and walk?
 Mommy and daddy have already taught all your sister needs to learn, why are you so reluctant to try?
Ziv- Me might fall! Me no wan tot try and fall.
Amit- You have to over come these fears Ziv, other wise you will never be able to live life to the fullest!
Ziv- Them me might die young if me try and fall!
Amit- Ziv, how did you ever get this scared of things!

Amit has recently been promoted to paramedic, so he went to the graveyard to give out vaccinations. He gave Salvatore (Willa's husband), Santela (Joel-Hexter's Wife), Kelsey (Jeddu's son), Lauren (Ray's wife), Candice (Fredrick's wife) and Dave Ramsey the vaccinations... did I read that correctly? Did I just read Dave Ramsey? I'm laughing so hard right now! Do any of you know who Dave Ramsey is? This is too good to be true! Dave is a radio host who helps people with financial problems. My family is taking a class currently where we listen to DVD's of him talking about having financial peace! Ha!, I just had to say that! The game just made my day!

Maxie- Hey Volina, did you hear that mom is pregnant!
Vlina- Really! I was wondering why she was looking on the big side these past three days
BreAnne- I can here you two you know! Could you two please stop gossiping? It's bad for the...
Maxie- Mom, you just stooped talking. What wrong?

BreAnne- Girls, the baby is coming!
Maxie- What! You can't be! Dad's not home yet!
Volina- Whatdowedowhatdowedo!!!!!!!!
BreAnne- Calm down girls! Maxie, call Amit and tell him to stay at work and that I'm coming! Volina, you go watch Keiko and Ziv and after you call Maxie, you go help Volina. You got all that girl?
Maxie & Volina- Yep!

It's a boy, meet Jaeger Clands.
BreAnne- he has my skin color!
That's not all he's got.

Along with Bre's skin, Jaeger also got her hair and a darker version of her eyes. He has the grumpy and artistic traits, and love the color red.

The day after Jaeger joined the family, Maxie and the twins were attacked by the sparkles of age.

Maxie is just as beautiful as her mother Zinga. She has gained the Ambitious trait. (She might look a little different from this picture because i wasn't able to save at first)

And you'll see how the twins aged up next time, mostly because this was when Error Code 12 started to pop up for me, but I think I've found a solution. I still want to hear other ideas however on how to fix it. Thanks for reading!


  1. I love the ice toilet! Hehe!
    Yay Jaeger is blue too! I love blue sims! <3
    Maxie is turning out to be a lovely young lady! I love her hair!

    Awesome chapter! Can't wait for more! ^^

  2. Replies
    1. Yes she is, too bad she isn't up for vote for heir to Gn 4 :(

  3. Wow Maxie is lovely! Looking forward to seeing the twins :)
