Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Clands Legacy Generation Four Chapter One

And our winner is Volina, our very own evil singer extraordinaire! I was kind of hoping for Jaeger. I haven't had a male heir yet. 

If dealing with five graduates wasn't enough, then how about them being from the Clands family?
Eneco: Ya, I'm a gangsta!
Volina: Eneco, you'd be a horrible gangster, just sayin'.
Ziv: I just graduated and have to move on with life.... panic time, AHHHH!!!!!! Okay, I'm better now.
Keiko: Why am I wearing this hat? I want one like Eneco! Being a gangsta sounds fun!
Jaeger: Yes! I can finally get out of here!
BreAnne: And this is how my kids turned out? This legacy is doomed! Not like it wasn't doomed when I became heir though.

Let's see how everyone did shall we?

Volina became class Valedictorian and Most Likely To Get Married (Let's just see about that!)
Eneco was voted Most Likely To Be A Millionaire
Keiko was voted the Class Clown
Ziv was Voted Most Likely To Burn Their Own House Down
And Jaeger hardly graduated because of his grades, but was voted Most Likely To Have A Big Family.

The romantic partners of the Clands found themselves young adults when they woke up the next morning. Sambuca called Jaeger right over to tell him the news of her strange age up.

Jaeger: Sammi... you're a young adult, but how?
Sambuca: I really don't know. That's not what I have on my mind right now though. What I really want to know is how my love is doing. I missed you so much the past few days you were missing. I thought you'd left me.
Jaeger: I never left you. I wanted to be with you so badly when I was gone. It feels so great to have you in my arms again. Sammi, I'm moving out of the house soon, and I want you to move in with me.
Sambuca: Yes Jaegie dear, but on one condition...

Jaeger and Sambuca soon found themselves a nice little horse ranch to live, except it didn't have any horses. My reasons for the lack of deformed horses is because they're going to have other things running around... kids!

Right as they got to the front door, Jaeger couldn't help himself anymore. He just had to tell Sambuca that he wanted her to be his one and only. She excepted gladly of course.

On the way to get married in the backyard, Sambuca found herself in her maternity wear. She was going to have a baby!

Sambuca: Jaegie! Jaegie! I'm pregnant! I'm pregnant!
Jaeger: That's great Sammi.
Sambuca: Don't you get it? You're going to be a father!

Jaeger: I'm... I'm going to be a daddy? OHMYPLUMBBOB!!!! Sammi, I can't believe it! I'm going to be a daddy!
Sambuca: That's the reaction I wanted to hear from you!

With both Sambuca and Jaeger in the moment, they both decided it was time to make their vows. Sambuca Jone is no more everyone. Welcome Sambuca Clands to the Clands family.

Mandie was having a hard time as a grown up. It seemed everything was against her, even the toilet she'd placed a prank in just hours before she aged up.

Mandie: No No No!!! Stop getting me wet! My outfit is going to be ruined! Nothing could make this day better!

Mandie: Eneco! What are you doing here?
Eneco: Moving in with the woman I love? That sounds about right.
Mandie: You're moving in with me? That's the only reason you're here?
Eneco: Well, there is one more thing...

Mandie: Daddy! Why are you in here?
Josia: The floor is wet! You know that I'm a neat freak!
Eneco: Can you please get out? We're kind of in the middle of something important here.

Keiko, Ziv, Jada and Abdel moved into their own place together, and that night the twins took their lovers out on dates to propose.

Goat Man and Cow Butt, as my cousin would call them, didn't have any problems when it came to getting married and trying for their first child. Ziv and Jada however...

... After Ziv was rejected by Jada (I hate the insane trait in times like this), Jada decided to propose instead. Ziv ended up being the one to say yes instead of the other way around like I wanted it to be.

After heading back to their place, they had their own private wedding in the living room. I can't wait to see what these two are going to have for kids.

Volina was the only one left to not either marry or who hoo with her lover. She wanted to get her career up a little before she asked Isidro anything.

Volina: Let's see what's in the newspaper... Eneco got a job in business; the world is doomed... Sambuca has her first gig after her baby is born... Jada and Ziv are making a good living off of their garden... Keiko just stabbed someone while performing a magic act and denied hurting the person because she's an insane diva... nothing good is in here! Wait a minute, is that an advertisement for magic acts from Mysterious Efren? Efren is in town?!?!

Efren was in fact trying to make a living in this strange world he'd got himself caught into. Being a mythic he was naturally good at magic, so he decided the best way for him to get acquainted was to act like he was a simple magician, then rise up the ranks and perform things the people around him had never seen, amazing them with his "illusions". He was trying to ignore anything he read about the Clands, cause his thoughts would always go to Volina when he did. He knew she was with someone, but that didn't stop him from falling in love with her.

One night he was trying to get a few tips when he was startled by hearing her voice, complaining about how simple the tricks were.

Volina: Come on! I know birds who can do a better trick than that! Who do you think you are? A magical creature?
Efren: If the magical creature you're speaking of is a Mythic.... yes, I am actually.
Volina: Efren?!?! Is that you? What are you doing here?
Efren: Trying to make a living off what little magic I'm willing to show to the public for the moment. How are you doing?

Efren was just as handsome as she'd remembered the day he'd tried to stop his own father from ruining her life. She couldn't imagine why he'd be here, of all places. There had to better dimensions than this one.

Volina: Okay I guess, what I'm really wondering is why, of all dimensions, you pick this one.
Efren: Would it scare you if I said it was because you're in it?
Volina: Kind of yes. It's more of just creepy than anything.
Efren: I thought so, but truthfully that's the only reason I'm here. I wanted to make sure you made it here safely, so I sneaked a trip here with you and your siblings. You couldn't see me cause I'm able to turn invisible, which is one of many tricks I can perform.

Volina: So.. ahem... have you been stalking me?
Efren: No, I only stayed a few minutes at your place, to make sure you settled in alright. Then I went to the streets, and I've been on them ever since.
Volina: And you're okay with that?
Efren: It's a different experience for me, but yes, I'm okay with it.
Volina: Okay then... Did you notice my boy friend before you left my place?
Efren: If it was the one who wouldn't let you go once he saw you, then yes. He seems like a good guy.
Volina: He is, we became friends when we were kids, then I moved here and we found each other again. Then we started to date each other and been together ever since.
Efren: A boy friend is a romantic interest right, and dates are when you take someone you like to hang out somewhere, am I right?
Volina: Yes, why do you ask?
Efren: I'm not used to this culture. I came from a different dimension, remember?
Volina: Oh ya *Giggles*

Efren: So Volina, can I meet you at your place? There is something I want to tell you, but I don't want to do it here.
Volina: Sure, you can come with me right now and...
Efren: No, you go right ahead. I'll catch up with you.
Volina: If you insist. See you at my place.

When Volina made it home, she waited outside till it got past midnight. Where was Efren? Had he stood her up? He didn't seem like someone would do a thing like that, but maybe he would. She didn't know him very much at all. As she walked inside, she wondered why she'd stayed outside for hours, waiting for some man who wasn't Isidro. Why had she'd stayed in the cold when he didn't show up withing an hour?
It's because you like him, she finally reasoned with herself, you like someone else besides Isidro. What a player you are, just like your power says you are.

While Volina headed for bed, she noticed the light to the library turn on. She walked in and noticed Efren, sitting on the couch.

Efren: Sorry I'm late. I was just about to follow you when a group of people surrounded me, asking for me to perform more magic tricks. That took me forever to calm them down! At the end someone asked me to perform at the new park stage. I'm really sorry about not coming earlier, or even calling to tell you what was going on, but I'm here now.
Volina: People really like your simple tricks?
Efren: Apparently they do. I was even surprised by all of it. So are you okay with talking with me now?

Volina: Sure, what gives?
Efren: Does that mean what do you want to talk about?
Volina: When I put in in that context, then yes. Other times, it could been something a little more... not so friendly from other people.
Efren: Thanks for the tip. I'll keep that in mind. So... you really like Isidro.
Volina: Yes, he's the love of my life... I think.
Efren: You think? What's wrong?
Volina: I'm afraid he might of fallen for me because of my curse...
Efren: It can seem like a curse having these powers, but it's not really that bad once you learn how to control them. And don't worry, Isidro is the real deal. I know when a charmer has forced someone to fall for them, and what you did to Isidro wasn't that at all. He really does love you.

Volina: Thanks, but that's not the only thing wrong... I'm falling for another man, but neither Isidro or the other man know this. Do you know what I should do?
Efren: No, I don't. I'm having love problems myself. There is this girl and she's with another man, but I can't stop thinking of her. I keep trying my best not too, but the harder I try, the more I realize I'm falling in love with her.
Volina: Is this girl a mythic?
Efren: *Gulp, she's on to me. Why did I have to open my big mouth!* She has had some mythic influence in her genes yes.
Volina: What dimension does she live in? Is it really different from mine?
Efren: No, she lives in this realm... and she's sitting right next to me actually...
Volina: Wait.. you're talking about me?

Efren: Yes... but I don't want another man to cause trouble with you and Isidro. That would just make a bigger love triangle I don't want to put you in.
Volina: *Giggles
Efren: Why are you laughing?
Volina: The other man I was talking about falling in love with is you!
Efren: Wow... I actually never saw that coming.
Volina: And I bet you never dreamed of what I'm bout to say to you either. Efren... kiss me.
Efren: What? Are you crazy?
Volina: I think I might be. Just one very simple kiss? it doesn't even have to be that long, less than a second even! I just want to know what it is like.
Efren: If you say so.

That's not just a kiss Efren and Volina... I don't know what you two are doing, but if Isidro was to learn of what you two are up to, he'd have a heart attack.

Efren: What am I doing!?! I shouldn't be doing this to you.

And Efren earns some points back after realizing he went too far! That's a good boy Efren, but you don't have to be all teary eyed from it.

Volina: Are you okay? You're crying.
Efren: *Tears forming* I can't do this. I can't let myself get in the way of you and Isidro. It's just not like me. I'm... I'm sorry for all this. I'm not someone trying to steal you away; I promise! I'm... I'm just some lunatic's son who's fallen for the wrong girl... and that's all I'll ever be, some evil conquering lunatic's son... *Gets up and starts running away*

No! Not my sweet darling Efren! Come back!

Volina: Efren! Wait! Don't go! I don't think of you that way! Efren! *Gets up after Efren*

Volina: Efren! Efren! *Looks around* Dang! He turned invisible on me! That won't stop me; I'll find him. I have to find him! I... I love him!

 After searching for him all night. Volina became tired beyond her belief. She went to bed, not knowing Efren was watching her every move as she looked for him. He didn't think she'd look so hard and long for him as he tried to stay quiet. He felt even more guilt now than when he'd kissed her. Correct that, make out session with her. A kiss was when only your lips did all the work, maybe a little arms wrapped around the waist or something. A kiss was not when your arms had a mind of their own and did the other half of the dirty work. Now on top of that, he'd caused Volina become extremely worn out from looking for him. He was a horrible man indeed he kept telling himself.

He didn't know what he was doing when he got in the bed next to her. He thought he should be back outside where he belonged, but no, here he was, snuggling up next to the girl he should not be in love with. He kissed her cheek and stroked his hand through her tangled hair. 
 Efren: Good night Volina. I'm sorry for everything I've caused you, and I'm most sorry for being in love with you. You don't deserve to have a horrible mythic like me, and nothing I can do will ever change that.

It was early the next morning when Efren tried to sneak out of Volina's room, with no success as Volina woke up as well.

Volina: Efren... what are you doing here?

Efren tried to run for it again, but this time Volina was prepared, pulling him on to the bed and pinning him down underneath her.

Efren: I never expected you to react so quickly this time.
Volina: That's not the point right now! Why were you sleeping right next to me?!?! Why did you run off last night?!?! Why were you being so negative about yourself when you ran off?!?! How come you didn't come back when I called out your name over and over?!?! And why... are you smiling at me?
Efren: Do you know how beautiful you are when you're trying to be mad?
Volina: My loud, screaming voice didn't make the cut for you?
Efren: No, it didn't. Volina, I'm sorry about everything I've done to you to ruin your life...
Volina: You haven't ruined anything. In fact, you made it better.
Efren: That doesn't make any sense!
Volina: It will someday *Tries to kiss Efren*

Efren: Don't... I don't want a repeat of last night, or worse. Your way too beautiful, and I'm afraid I might go beyond just a simple kiss again if we do. I want you to be happy, without my influence. You deserve to have Isidro be your lover, not me.
Volina: But... I want you to be.
Efren: Volina, as long as your with Isidro, I refuse to be with you. I just can't imagine you being in someone else's arms. It's either your in his, or mine. I'd prefer if you choose Isidro though. You two look perfect together.
Volina: Do you not really love me or something?
Efren: I do love you, but it's because I love you that I don't want you to be with me.
Volina: That doesn't make any sense!
Efren: It will someday.

After telling her that he didn't want to be with her if she was with Isidro as well, Efren went straight out the door. The next day as she delivered Sing-A-Grams, Volina kept looking for him, but with no luck. When she walked through the doors to her house, she was surprised to see Isidro waiting for her.

Isidro: I noticed you outside last night. Is everything alright?
Volina: Ya, everything is going well... Isidro, do you really love me, or do you just feel like you need to?
Isidro: Something is wrong, what is it?
Volina: We can go to my room and I'll try to explain.

Isidro: Please tell me what's going on. You go missing for three days and you come back like something isn't right with you...
Volina: Cause something isn't! I learned during those three days that my grandpa Crect and my great grandpa Lemon were actually magical creatures called Mythics. Because of the magic they gave us, I became a Charmer, able to make men fall in love with me! I'm not sure if I made you love me or not!
Isidro: Volina, I know you didn't make me fall in love with you, because I fell in love with you myself while we were apart, back when you moved here and I was still in Sunset Valley. You didn't make me fall for your charms, I fell for you!

Volina: Thanks Isidro, that's just what I needed to hear. 
Isidro: I thought it might help if you knew the truth.

Efren had been trying to stay away from Volina by performing magic acts around town, but it never helped. He wanted to see her, even for just a minute. He knew staying away from her was for the best, but it only made his feelings stronger. He had to see her, just for a moment even. He could turn invisible and see her, that would work, and that's what he was going to do.

Volina had just gotten dressed when she heard Isidro scream in pain outside. She ran down the stairs and outside as fast as she could, only to find Isidro on the ground, dead.

(And this is what happens when you leave your eye off one of your sims, they go into the pool and then try to fix the broken stereo.)

Volina: Isidro... what... what's going on!

While Efren sneaked up on the scene invisable, he noticed the Grim Reaper coming to take Isidro. He watched as tears started to form in Volina's eyes, words of doubt coming from her mouth like an endless river.

Volina: No! Not Isidro! Not you of all people! Please Isidro! Wake up! I know your still alive, your just asleep! Isidro you can't just die on me! 

Efren started to feel his emotions mess with him. He felt Volina's pain of lose, losing her childhood friend and teenage love. He could feel tears form in his own eyes not just for Volina, but for Isidro as well. His life had been cut short by a quick accident. The man had so much to live for, yet here he was, being taken away by the Grim Reaper. 

Grim Reaper: Why are you sad boy? You can now have the girl you love...
Efren: What man would be happy that the girl he loves has just lost someone she cares for? I'm not someone to just see something like this and not feel the pain of it. I'm not like my father, I don't like causing pain to anyone.
Grim Reaper: If you're really not like your father Druce, then prove it! She needs your help, and you're just the person to do it. Go to her, she's confused of what just happened and needs your comfort.
Efren: For a terrible guy, you give some good advice.
Grim Reaper: It's an up side to my years of experience you can say. I really need to retire from this job and become a therapist or something of that sort.

Thanks for reading everyone! Next time we will see how Volina takes Isidro's sudden death, and how Efren tries to help her get through the lose of Isidro.

Rest In Peace Isidro, you left more than just Volina behind.


  1. hey its jewittalex here.

    what a sad chapter! R.i.p isidro :(

  2. Oh Poor Isidro :( But I'm sure Efren will make it better ;) You know, Mr Death is so misunderstood!! Hugs xox

  3. Aww no Isidro! But Efren, I suppose it makes it a bit easier for them now. If I were Volina I would be torn too! :o/
